Our OLX Clone Script is one of the
most popular, profitable and peak online revenue models today. If you want to
become an entrepreneur, one of the best ideas is to start your own Classified
Website. Classifieds Theme is a complete solution for all kind of classified
business. We develop unique, user friendly Word Press classified themes for
your website. Our feature-rich CMS classifieds theme was built for ease-of-use
and tight integration with Word Press, so you can easily edit and modify the
theme, based on your own idea without any technical knowledge.
Our Wordpress OLX theme has been developed using best practice search
engine techniques, giving your website the best start possible with search
engine rankings. Our Classified Theme comes with a responsive design,
making your website looks nice on any device. Our Classifieds theme has
lots of built-in features such as Google Maps with street view features,
Business Location; Ajax based zip code search and support of multiple payment
have been providing services to clients across the globe for the past 12+ years
with customer satisfaction. We understood all our clients’ needs. We know
client always need user friendly, Ajax based websites. Hence we provide our
classifieds theme with a 100% satisfaction guarantee to our clients based on
their expectations. So this would be best for any type of classified
Advertisement including Auto, Rentals, Real Estate, Jobs and much more.
features of our WordPress OLX Theme:
Ø Multiple
Payment Gateways
Building Advertisement
Easy Customization
Different Revenue Model
SEO Friendly
Private Message
Contact Forms
Package Listing
Ø Responsive
To contact PHP Scripts Mall Support Team:
Mail us: info@ phpscriptsmall.com
Site URL: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com
Make a Call: India – (+
91) – 9841300660