Monday, 13 July 2015

Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script

Multivendor E-commerce Store

In this business world everyone prefers to do online shopping in order to make their shopping easily because it consumes time. PHP scripts mall implemented the readymade Multivendor Ecommerce script. Let the vendors sign up at your store and they can organize their own products and sales in a common marketplace website. You can have unlimited number of vendors at your store and you can expand more and more independent vendors. The products from different independent vendors will appear at your website and the users can do shopping at your website.
In Open Source Multi Vendor Shopping Cart Script, each vendor can manage their own admin panel and customize the products and settings according their desire. Vendors do not interact or interfere with each other products and sales.  The root administrator can have full control of the products listings, sales and transactions. The transaction happens between the root admin and the one who purchase the product. Finally the payments are distributed to each vendor based on the product sold through the admin. All the vendors can manage their own records of products sold and transaction for each product.
You can set your own commission rates and auctions for the products displayed. The script is highly customizable where you can modify the homepage banners, categories, email ids, contact details and other necessary information’s. The script has responsive page layouts and it suits all the screens. Best Multi Vendor PHP Solution supports numerous products such like accessories, gadgets, home appliances etc.  The script has user friendly navigations and highly secured codes.
We have 12 years of experience in this ecommerce field and striving to satisfy all the needs of the customers to make them easy go steps. We have SEO friendly concept. We provide free technical support for the next 10 years once you purchase our script. We also provide free updates for 5 years and you are not supposed to search and run for improvisation for your website. We also provide brand free and free installation.

Keywords: Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script, Open Source Multi Vendor Shopping Cart Script, Best Multivendor PHP Solution

Contact Details:
To Contact PHP Scripts Mall Support Team:
Mail us:
Site URL:
Make a Call: India – (+ 91) – 9841300660

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Mass mail Script | Mass Mailing Software

If you want to have an efficient Email campaign we provide you with the best Mass Mail Script enriched with all new attributes, ease in using and adaptable. Mass Mailing Software is developed by the open source language like PHP, MySQL and Ajax so that you can assemble and install this script in few minutes. With PHP Mass Mail Script you can simply manage you’re mailing listings and layout the fastest Email campaigns across the globe. 


Ø  User must be generated with a unique username and they can login through their respective id.
Ø  They can view the price plans in two methods.
o   Free plans
o   Unlimited plans
Ø  These plans can be purchased and renewed by them.
Ø  They can view the each and every history of orders and it can be saved for further clarification.
Ø  Lists: The user can view the name of companies added in the lists and they can add a new company in the list by providing the basic details.
Ø  They can also view all the tools used in the website.
Ø  Campaign: The user is able to outlook all the campaigns and manage to copy, edit and update the campaign. They are also allowed to create a new campaign, setup with all details.

Ø  Articles: The admin can view and manage to edit, delete all the articles separately. They also create new articles with a new title, content, category and status.
Ø  Categories: The admin can view and manage to edit, delete all the categories separately. They can also create new categories with a new name, description, parent and status.
Ø  They can view all the users, edit their details and create new user.
Ø  Monetization: The admin can monetize payment gateways, price plans, orders, promotion codes, currencies and taxes and manage all these categories separately.
Ø  The admin can view and manage all the payment gateways.

To contact PHP Scripts Mall Support Team:
Mail us: info@
Make a Call: India – (+ 91) – 9841300660